Made a little progress.
In my init C program Mach3_CL_PMDX-125(Version5,1).c, i changed this...
// enable/disable limits based on a
// DRO downloaded from Mach3
if (*pin == 0)<----This is what i changed.
ch0->LimitSwitchOptions = 0x0606000f;
ch1->LimitSwitchOptions = 0x0707000f;
ch2->LimitSwitchOptions = 0x0f0f000f;
to this...
// enable/disable limits based on a
// DRO downloaded from Mach3
if (*pin == 1)<-----This is what i changed.
ch0->LimitSwitchOptions = 0x0606000f;
ch1->LimitSwitchOptions = 0x0707000f;
ch2->LimitSwitchOptions = 0x0f0f000f;
Now a new issue when referencing axis X and Y. What happens is axis moves till limit switch is triggered then moves out of switch and zeroes axis. After zero i get Axis Disabled fault in Mach3, which ever axis iam referencing at the time.
This happens right after the C program changes Limit switch options. If i remove the line of code that changes Limit switch options, then there is no Axis Disabled fault. This line of code is supposed to re-enable limit switch as i understand it.
Ive also noticed that limit switches are not stopping any movement when i jog machine into them.
Any ideas?
--- In, "tmday7" wrote:
> Hi Tom,
> I just installed my KFLOP interface board, which i also did some re routing of bits and need some help with the C Programs.
> After i start Mach3 and click Reset, I get "X Axis Disabled" in status area.
> Kmotion Console window says .....
> Neg Limit Disabled Axis :0
> Neg Limit Disabled Axis :1
> Neg Limit Disabled Axis :0
> Simulated Manual Mode off
> Pulse Estop
> The above prints every time i run my init C program.
> In the Axis window of Kmotion, i can not Enable axes 0 or 1.
> Bits i have changed or rerouted from my previous working setup are...
> Manual Mode Switch-IO45 to IO25
> X Limit Switch- IO6 to IO16
> Y Limit Switch-IO7 to IO17
> Z Limit Switch- IO15 to IO18
> ESTOP Switch -IO14 to IO23
> Here is link to C programs before interface board....
> Here is link to C programs that i have altered to match new bits....
> Any help always appreciated,
> Troy